PENERAPAN ETIKA PERENCANAAN PADA KAWASAN WISATA (Studi Kasus di Kawasan Agrowisata Salak Pondoh, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
Abstract Tourism stakeholder comprises of four groups, namely: government, community,
private-sector, and tourists. Government paly the role in tourism planning, while community and
private-sector involve in forms of business/entrepreneur, and tourists through their interest and
travel motives. Planning document is resulted, such as policies, regulations, feasability study,
development plan, detailed layout plan, and tourism destination and site plan. This paper
focuses on planning principles based on considerations of scarcity, nature/originality,
uniqueness, labor intense, land-use optimization, welfareness, and equity. Salak Pondoh
agrotourism area is an example of the implementation of this planning principles, and a model
for other tourism planners and decision makers. Kata kunci: kawasan wisata,
perencanaan, salak pondoh.

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